Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mainstream Vs. Romance

I'm having a tough time with my current WIP.

My CP (critique partner) says I should make the characters meet sooner than they do (they meet in the fourth chapter). Since romance novels are more about the romance and mainstream novels are more about the character's journey, I'm starting to think this WIP is more mainstream.

What to do? I'm going to keep trucking along to see what happens with this. I enjoy reading mainstream...but this WIP has been my most challenging yet.

Why does it have to be so difficult? And if is mainstream, is that going to make it harder to sell? Will I have to market it in a completely different way? Categories suck sometimes, LOL!


Carol Ann said...

Just write the book the way it feels best to you. Don't worry about the categories or you'll find yourself constantly changing streams. Been there, done that, and I still struggle with it. Let your voice speak for itself. You can always revise after it's written if your editor suggests it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Carol, write the book and then figure out where it fits. I dont think theres a law they gotta meet by chapter 2 is there?
(course im not publshed im mostly a reader at this point)

Unknown said...

I'm bad about not introducing my hero/heroine in the first chapter or two. In fact, in my current book, they don't meet until chapter three, and I write long chapters...

But it works...

So trust your gut. I say change it if the editor suggests it...

Hey, me and Carol think the same way. :)