Friday, February 15, 2008

Hold Fast!

I'm late for sending out love for Valentine's Day and I'm early for this month's Tip/Tehnique, but my internet at home has been down and my life has been hectic. Not near as hectic as those whose lost their livelihood or their life these past days because of the gunman in Illinois. My heart goes out to them. It's times like these that should make us grateful for all we have, because our life can change in an instant. I'm sending prayers to those families who lost loved ones and to those whose life will be different from henceforth.

Today, my mother would have turned 50 years old. I'm the age she was when she died. It's tough, and I have to use mind control and postive thinking for fear I'll fall to the same fate... cancer so young.

My tip/technique for this month is to HOLD FAST. Just like my novel, HOLDING FAST, we have to hold fast to our lives, to our dreams, to our families. Let go of the negative feelings that try to overtake us. They're like weeds and will overtake our thriving if we let them!

In HOLDING FAST, Caitlyn and Wesley had a lot of things to hold fast to. They had to let go of their past and embrace their future, a future they didn't know anything about, of course. We must all do the same!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

1 comment:

Kara Dunn said...

What happened in Illinois is so sad. All those lives changed in an instant including the father of the young man who caused all the chaos. It makes one grateful for everything they have. Like you, my prayers go out to the families.