Thursday, November 27, 2008

13 Reaons to Be Grateful

As we sit around the meal table with our family and wonderful food, let’s not forget all the reasons we should be thankful. Here’s 13 reasons I am grateful.

1. I’m grateful I’m able to feast like this with people who love me.
2. I’m grateful for my family.
3. I’m grateful for my life.
4. I’m grateful for a husband who loves, cherishes and understands me.
5. I’m grateful for my friends.
6. I’m grateful for my creativity.
7. I’m grateful for the things I take for granted.
8. I’m grateful for a beautiful flower growing wildly on the side of the road.
9. I’m grateful for my pets.
10. I’m grateful for my health.
11. I’m grateful to be able to follow my dream.
12. I’m grateful to own a successful business.
13. I’m grateful this world isn’t all about me.

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