Saturday, November 01, 2008

National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo)

I’m committing myself (and should be committed) to posting one entry a day in November for National Blog Posting Month. Since I’m not ready to join National Novel Writing Month and because my blog has been seriously lacking in material, I’m going to attempt to write in a month that is probably the most difficult month, what with the holidays coming up.

The goal of NaBloPoMo is to post every day for the month of November. There are forums out there and websites where you can check in and post how you’re doing, but I’m going to have enough troubles actually posting to my blog, much less posting to another. We’ll see how that goes. For now, stay tuned with me. Let’s see if I have enough material (and time) for an everyday post. And let me know how I’m doing!

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